MONDIALCARTA S.p.A., in order to always guarantee conditions of correctness and transparency from an ethical and regulatory point of view, from 2 July 2024 has deemed it appropriate to equip itself with an Organization, Management and Control Model capable of overseeing the prevention of the crimes provided for by Legislative Decree 231/2001
Supervisory Body
Avv. Florenzo Storelli, Presidente;
Avv. Marco Poli;
Ing. Alessio Baldi.
The so-called “whistleblowing” regulation, introduced into the legal system in order to combat any corruption in the workplace, provides specific protection for the whistleblower who wishes to report an illicit act, so that he or she can act without fear of suffering prejudicial consequences towards him or her.
A whistleblower is defined as: someone who witnesses an illicit act or irregularity in the workplace and decides to report it. The definition of whistleblowers includes fixed-term and permanent employees, interns, managers, administrators, collaborators, consultants, and collaborators of a company supplying goods or services.
Anyone who wishes to report illicit conduct of which he or she has become aware by virtue of his or her employment relationship with MONDIALCARTA S.p.A. may do so using the methods expressly set out in paragraph “9. REPORTS TO THE SUPERVISORY BOARD” referred to in the General Part of Model 231, in line with the provisions of current legislation and the A.N.AC. Guidelines on the matter
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